Commercial & Residential Window Tint, Treatments, & More!
General Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer for privacy film application:
You may have chosen a particular film to decrease the ability to see the windows when viewing from outside looking into the inside of the building / house. There are many factors that will affect the level of privacy effect/view control such as: natural or man-made lighting and in particular proximity to the glass, background day-lighting, and interior wall colors. For these reasons WTS does not guarantee 100% privacy effect on any installation and You expressly agree that it may not be possible to achieve Your desired level of privacy while viewing the glass from the outside especially at night. Any privacy effect will diminish when interior lighting conditions are brighter than the outside lighting.
Disclaimer for dirty site condition:
Professional will use the utmost care to achieve a high-quality Installation. Dirty or Dusty site conditions can cause a lesser quality finished window film Installation. When the window film protective liner is released from the film, static electricity is created in a sufficient amount to draw any pet hair, dust and particles that may be present in or around the work area on to the surface of the window film. You agree that if there is excessive pet hair, dirt, or debris present in the home and or around the work area that is inherent for the finished Installation to have a certain amount of these particulates in between film and Your glass, and there will be an additional charge to You if request to remove and replace such window films.
Disclaimer for single pane glass breakage:
Single Pane glass which is commonly found in manufactured housing, lanai enclosures, and residential block and frame constructed homes may experience cracking and some cases may become broken by pressure exerted against the glass during any window film and / or adhesive residue removal. You agree that you have been informed of the risk of potential glass breakage associated with the removal of window film on single pane glass (dual pane glass is excluded) and in such event You agree WTS is not liable for any glass breakage on single pane glass.
Installatcion Inspetion:
Your satisfaction is extremely important to us. You will be asked to sign a Completion Certificate once Professional has completed Your installation. Your installation in accordance with IWFA guidelines. A small amount of moisture will be present in the completed Installation: this will evaporate. Also, edge border you may notice is a requirement of the application in accordance with the film manufacturer. Please allow up to 90 days for full cure as per the manufacturer guidelines. Additional information regarding the manufacturer and or IWFA cure periods and quality standards is available at your request.
Print Name ___________________
Signature ___________________
Date ___________________
Visual Quality Standard for Applied Window Film
As adopted by the IWFA May 15, 1999*
Re-endorsed January 1, 2015
1.Installed film on flat glass surfaces is not expected to have the same level of visual quality as glass. The following criteria apply to the installed film only and not to any defect inherent in the glass.
2. Installed film has a discrete time for full adhesion to be effected since installation utilizes a detergent solution in the water to float the film onto the glass: The excess water is squeegeed out, but inevitably residual water will remain between the film and glass. The time to achieve full adhesion is often referred to as “the adhesive cure time”. Adhesion will be increasing from a lower value during this time. Visual and adhesive cure time is related to thickness of the film and various metallic coating on the film. Typical visual cure times may be extended or shortened according to climatic conditions.
3. Inspection for optical quality can be made before full visual cure is attained . Table 1 provides a guide for typical visual cure times. It should be noted that effects during cure, such as water bubbles, water distortion, and water haze are not to be regarded as defects.
4. The glass with applied film shall be viewed at right angles to the glass from the room side, at a distance of not less than 6 feet (2 meters). Viewing shall be carried out in natural daylight, not in direct sunlight, and shall assess the normal vision area with the exception of a 2 inch (50mm) wide band around the perimeter of the unit.
5. The installation shall be deemed acceptable if all of the following are unobtrusive (effects during visual cure should be disregarded): Dirt Particles, Hair and Fibers, Adhesive Gels, Fingerprints, Air Bubbles, Water Haze, Scores and Scratches, Film Distortion, Creases, Edge lift, nicks and tears.
Inspection may be made within 1 day of installation. Obtrusiveness of blemishes shall be judged by looking through the film installation under lighting conditions described in 4.
6. The 2 inch (50mm) wide band around the perimeter shall be assessed by a similar procedure to that in 3 and 4, but a small number of particles is considered acceptable where poor frame condition mitigates against the high quality standards normally achieved.
7. Edge gaps will normally be 1/32 — 1/ 16 inch ( 1-4mm). This allows for the water used in the installation to be squeegeed out. This ensures that fil m edges are not raised up by contact with the frame margin. Contact with the frame margin could lead to peeling of the film.
8. For thicker safety films the edge gaps will normally be 1/32 — 1/16 inch (1-4mm), with 1/32-1/8 inch (1-5mm) being acceptable for films of ≥7 mil (175 µ). Combination solar control safety films will also fall within this standard.
An edge gap of up to 1/ 16 inch (2mm) is recommended, especially for darker (tinted, metalized, tinted/metalized and sputtered) films, to minimize the light line around the edge of the installed film.
9. Splicing of films is necessary when larger panels of glass are treated, where both length and width of the glass exceed the maximum width of film. The splice line itself should not be viewed as a defect. This line should be straight and should be parallel to one edge of the frame margin. The two pieces of film may be butt jointed. The maximum gap at any point in the splice line should be 1/64 inch (1mm). Film may be overlapped, spliced or butt jointed.
10. Certain films with special high performance coating may have lengthened cure times. Consult the manufacturer for cure times of these films.
Table 1 – Typical Cure Times
Film thickness in mils | Film thickness in microns (µ) | Typical Cure Time In Days |
up to 4 | up to 100 | 30 |
4 to 8 | 100 to 200 | 60 |
8 to 12 | 200 to 300 | 100 |
Over 12 but not more than 17 | Over 300 but not more than 425 | 140 |

International Window Film Association
P.O. Box 3871
Martinsville, VA 24115-3871
(276) 666-4932 (276) 666-4933 fax
Email: • Website:
*Special adaptation of information received from the Glass and Glazing Federation; reproduced with their permission.
Copyright 1999 International Window film Association
All Rights Reserved
3M Window Films
Commercial Product Information Form
With the commercial application of 3M™ Sun Control Window Film or 3M™ Safety & Security Window Film, 3M provides a:
- 2 year vertical, 1 year sloped limited warranty (Exterior Metalized Films)
- 5 year limited warranty (3M™ Fasara™ Films)
- 7 year vertical, 5 year sloped limited warranty (Exterior Prestige, Exterior Safety Films)
- 10 year limited warranty (Neutral, Silver, Affinity and Clear Safety Films)
- 12 year limited warranty (Night Vision, Ultra Night Vision and LE 35 Films)
- 15 year limited warranty (Prestige, Ultra Prestige and Ceramic Series Films)
- 2 year limited warranty extension for 10 and 12 year warranted films, if a 4 sided 3M attachment system is installed
This limited warranty is to the original purchaser and is not transferable and runs from the date of installation. 3M™ Window Films will:
- Maintain Solar Reflective Properties without cracking, crazing or peeling
- Maintain Adhesion Properties without blistering, bubbling or delaminating from glass
- Maintain Appearance without discoloration
In the event the product is found not to conform to this warranty, 3M and the Seller will:
- Replace the Quantity of Film proved to be defective
- Provide Removal and Reapplication Labor Free of Charge
3M also warrants against Glass Failure due to thermal shock fracture (maximum value of $500 per window), caused only as a direct result of the application of 3M Window Film provided the film is applied to recommended types of glass and the glass failure is reported to the Seller within the specified time (listed below) from the start of the installation.
- Sixty (60) months coverage against thermal shock fracture
Customer Initial: __________
Additional Warranty Coverage
3M Window Films offers additional optional warranty coverage through Platinum and Platinum Select Warranties. The Platinum Select warranty increases the film warranty length by 2 years for the 10 and 12 year warranted films, as well as increases the coverage amount for glass failure due to thermal shock or seal failure (maximum value of $1,500 per window). Initial here to agree that the 3M dealer has explained the additional coverage. If you wish to purchase the additional coverage, please fill out and sign the Commercial Platinum or Platinum Select Warranty Application. The full terms of this warranty are described in the warranty application.
Customer Initial: __________
3M Window Films are designed to reduce the harmful effects of the sun and the three major causes of fading. 3M Window Films reduce solar heat and visible light on your furnishings and will block up to 99% of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, the single largest cause of fading. Based upon how each film addresses these three main causes, the level of protection varies slightly from film to film. While window film can dramatically slow the progress of fading, no window film can stop fading completely.
Customer Initial: __________
Safety & Security Film
3M™ Safety & Security Window Films are designed to help hold the glass together during violent weather, attempted break-ins or bomb blasts. This helps protect furnishings or inhabitants from potential flying glass. Adding professionally installed 3M attachment system, such as the 3M™ Impact Protection Adhesive, or Profile bonds the glass and film to the window frame. This added level of protection helps prevent the entire sheet of glass from falling into the structure during these severe events. While window film and attachment systems can provide significantly increased protection for a home or business, they cannot protect against all events. Not all safety and security films are suitable for all events, make sure to choose the correct film for your application.
Customer Initial: __________
Limitation of Warranties and Remedies
The warranties stated herein are the exclusive warranties offered by 3M and its Authorized Dealer (Seller). Neither 3M nor its Authorized Dealer make any other express or implied warranties, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The remedies offered above are exclusive.
Customer Initial: __________
Customer Signature: ___________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
3M Window Films
Residential Product Information Form
With the residential application of 3M™ Sun Control Window Films or 3M™ Safety & Security Window Films, 3M provides a limited lifetime warranty to the original consumer for as long as the owner lives in their home. This warranty is not transferable.
3M™ Window Films will:
- Maintain Solar Reflective Properties without cracking, crazing or peeling
- Maintain Adhesion Properties without blistering, bubbling or delaminating from glass
- Maintain Appearance without discoloration
In the event the product is found not to conform to this warranty, 3M and the Seller will:
- Replace the Quantity of Film proved to be defective
- Provide Removal and Reapplication Labor Free of Charge
3M also warrants against Glass Failure due to thermal shock fracture (maximum value of $500 per window), caused only as a direct result of the application of 3M Window Film provided the film is applied to recommended types of glass and the glass failure is reported to the Seller within the specified time (listed below) from the start of the installation.
- Sixty (60) months coverage against thermal shock fracture
- Forty (40) months coverage against seal failure if covered by original manufacturer
Customer Initial: __________
Additional Warranty Coverage
3M Window Films offers additional optional warranty coverage through Platinum and Platinum Select Warranties. The Platinum Select warranty increases the coverage amount for glass failure due to thermal shock or seal failure (maximum value of $1,500 per window). In addition, the Platinum and Platinum Select warranty increases the coverage length for seal failure only to the length of the window manufacturer’s warranty. Initial here to agree that the 3M dealer has explained the additional coverage. If you wish to purchase the additional coverage, please fill out and sign the Residential Platinum or Platinum Select Warranty Application. The full terms of this warranty are described in the warranty application.
Customer Initial: __________
3M Window Films are designed to reduce the harmful effects of the sun and the three major causes of fading. 3M Window Films reduce solar heat and visible light on your furnishings and will block up to 99% of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, the single largest cause of fading. Based upon how each film addresses these three main causes, the level of protection varies slightly from film to film. While window film can dramatically slow the progress of fading, no window film can stop fading completely.
Customer Initial: __________
Safety & Security Film
3M™ Safety & Security Window Films are designed to help hold the glass together during violent weather, attempted break-ins or bomb blasts. This helps protect furnishings or inhabitants from potential flying glass. Adding professionally installed 3M attachment system, such as the 3M™ Impact Protection Adhesive, or Profile bonds the glass and film to the window frame. This added level of protection helps prevent the entire sheet of glass from falling into the structure during these severe events. While window film and attachment systems can provide significantly increased protection for a home or business, they cannot protect against all events. Not all safety and security films are suitable for all events; make sure to choose the correct film for your application.
Customer Initial: __________
Limitation of Warranties and Remedies
The warranties stated herein are the exclusive warranties offered by 3M and its Authorized Dealer (Seller). Neither 3M nor its Authorized Dealer make any other express or implied warranties, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The remedies offered above are exclusive.
Customer Initial: __________
Customer Signature: ___________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Proper Care Instructions
Commercial & Residential Window Film

DO NOT wash your windows for 30 days.
WHY: The curing/drying time for your windows is up to 90 days until the windows are completely dry, you can move the film on the windows when trying to clean them.
DO NOT worry about spots in your windows.
WHY: During the curing period you will see hazy, milky, water pockets appear and then evaporate between the window tint and the glass. This is normal – After the curing period, your concerns will have disappeared.
DO NOT use ammonia on your windows.
WHY: Ammonia breaks down the film and is one of the chemicals used to aid in removing window film. Instead, use either a 50/50 vinegar water solution or silicon-based cleaners. Ammonia free Windex is a great solution.
DO NOT use any abrasive materials to clean your windows.
WHY: Window tint has a scratch resistant coating, but it is not scratch proof. Be careful when you scrub the window tint, some sponges and other cleaning tools may scratch the film. A clean, soft, micro fiber cloth works best.
Residential – Refer a residential client and recieve a $50 Check. The referred clients installation must meet or exceed the amount of $500.
Commercial – If your a business and refer another business, lunch for your office is on us!
The referred clients commercial installation must meet or exceed the amount of $800.
* Please call or visit one of our offices for more details
Residential: If you’re a previous customer for an automotive or commercial film installation, let us know you’ve worked with us before and receive up to $250 OFF your home window tint or window treatment installation. Our consultations are free!
Commercial: If you own a business or work somewhere that can benefit from window tinting, let us know! We’re happy to provide your business or workplace with a special rate since you are a valued client. Simply let us know who to contact to schedule a free consultation
Window Completion Cert and Glass Disclosure
Spontaneous glass breakage is a phenomenon by which toughened glass_(or tempered) may spontaneously break without any apparent reason. The most common causes are:
- Minor damage during installation such as nicked or chipped edges later developing into larger breaks
- Binding of the glass in the frame, causing stresses to develop as the glass expands and contracts due to thermal changes or deflects due to wind
- Internal defects within the glass such as nickel sulfide inclusions
- Thermal stresses in the glass
- Inadequate glass thickness to resist wind loads or pressure
- Extraordinary yet necessary pressures needing to be exerted during the removal or application of window films.
While glass is being moved and installed, it is easy for the glaziers to nick or chip the edges of the glass with various tools. It is also possible for fasteners such as nails or screws used to attach glass stops to nick the glass edges if these fasteners are installed at an improper angle. These small nicks or chips may not result in immediate breakage. However, over time, as the glass expands and contracts, stress concentrations can develop around the nick, leading to breakage. In the case of tempered glass the entire unit usually breaks.
Binding in the frame
Glass expands and contracts with changes in temperature and deflects due to wind, so almost all modern glass is set on resilient blocks at the bottom and with space for expansion at the sides and top. The gaskets holding the glass in the frame are also usually resilient to cushion the glass against wind buffeting. If no space is provided at the perimeter of the unit, the glass will bind against the frame, causing internal stresses to develop in the glass which can exceed the strength of glass, resulting in breakage.
Internal defects & inclusions in the glass
Nickel sulfide inclusions (“stones”) can be present in the glass. The most common cause of these inclusions is the use of stainless-steel machinery in the glassmaking and handling process. Small shavings of stainless steel containing nickel change structure over time and grow, creating internal stresses in the glass. When these stresses exceed the strength of the glass, breakage results. This type of breakage is almost always found in tempered glass and is indicated by a distinctive “figure eight” pattern, with each “loop” of the figure eight approx. 30mm in diameter.
Alternatively, small pieces of refractory brick can be eroded by the molten glass from the internal walls of the furnace during processing and become embedded in the finished glass. These are also known as “stones”, and can also break the glass when the glass is heated, as they create thermal anomalies.
Inadequate glass thickness
A pane that is too large or thin or having not been properly engineered for wind loads on the site, can be broken by pressures exerted to the glass. This is commonly found in manufactured housing construction or residential lanai / porch enclosures where thin single pane annealed glass is used; in which case a crack or multiple cracks may travel from one side of the glass towards another.
3M Window Films
Care and Cleaning Instructions for 3M Films
- Household window cleaning solutions, such as Windex, are recommended
- A soft cloth or clean synthetic sponge is recommended for Do not use the same towel or sponge for wiping sills or frames. Paper towels or newspapers not recommended
- A soft squeegee is recommended for removal of cleaning solution from the film
- Do not apply heavy pressure in any cleaning operation
- Additional caution is recommended when cleaning spliced Clean in the direction of the splice
- Do not leave the film wet
- Make sure you use a different sponge, cleaning cloth and water bucket for cleaning the outside and the inside of the windows
- Use a little extra detergent for cleaning 3M™ Sun Control Window Film – it gives more ease to squeegeeing

The information provided in this report is believed to be reliable; however, due to the wide variety of intervening factors, 3M does not warrant that the results will necessarily be obtained. All details concerning product specifications and terms of sale are available from 3M.
Renewable Energy Division
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
3M is a trademark of 3M.
© 3M 2016. All rights reserved.
3M Window Films
Important Details about your Installation of 3M™ Sun Control Window Film
Dear Customer:
Congratulations! You have just purchased a superior sun control film. 3M has devoted 30 years to the development and improvement of 3M™ Sun Control Window Film so that today you may enjoy the sun without experiencing the full effects of its harmful rays.
As with all products containing an adhesive system, a drying time is necessary to achieve the proper bond to the window. During this process, some changes may be observed. So that you will understand these differences, we would like to note some of them for you. They are normal and should be expected. Listed below, by way of recap, are the points covered by your Authorized Dealer.
- Drying time will be approximately 30 days. Please do not wash your windows during this
- Any haziness you may see is water under the film. You will see less and less of this as the days pass.
- A milky appearance might be experienced, but it too disappears during the drying
- All water bubbles will dry out, but a few small particles or points may be apparent when dry. These points, generally seen from the outside, are very tiny and are inherent in the use of a pressure sensitive adhesive system. An adhesive of this type is used because it is the only one that will withstand high humidity, driving rains and window condensation. You will normally see these particles only if you get quite close to the glass, which is something we ordinarily do not do. They will not affect the films performance.
The 1/8″ (3 mm) border you notice is a requirement of the application according to 3M.
- Cleaning should be done using normal household window cleaners* or any non-abrasive window cleaning solution and wiping with a soft towel or Paper towels or natural sponges should not be used.
NOTE: Sometimes what seems to be a defect in the film is, in fact, an imperfection in the glass. It is quite natural that one should look closely at a new purchase, but at times we observe things that were always there but never noticed. A good rule to follow is to look at the installation from six feet away. This is the manner in which we normally look through a window and the way in which you should observe your 3M™ Sun Control Window Film – looking through it, not at it.
We and 3M hope you will enjoy your installation. With proper care, we know you will receive many years of benefit from its presence on your windows.
Very truly yours

*See warranty for cleaning instructions.